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I’d been working on the flow for the weekend for a few days, arranging and rearranging things multiple times.  I was trying to meet everybody’s needs as I imagined them to be and create a flow that suits us all,  with all our varying and unique histories and motivations for being at #LRC2018 and our individual ways of engaging with, absorbing and synthesising information.  What was I thinking? 

In soliciting advice from Akilah, it emerged, pretty quickly,  that I was doing exactly the opposite of one of the key messages of the conference and of our advocacy;  that we move away from imposing on or prescribing what we think is best for others and instead we partner with and open up the space for people to collaborate and participate in how they want to engage with what is on offer.  Trust the process and trust in people’s abilities.  That’s what we advocate for young people, so why would we not practice this at Learning Reimagined for all of us?

Many deep breaths later, it was set and I committed to walking my talk.   Learning Reimagineers,  we’re going to create the flow together.  In community.

On Saturday morning Akilah will facilitate this process using tools of community co-creation.  Together, we will set the day. While we’re setting the day, we’ll also get to learn to use this cool tool that we can later use in our homes and workspaces. 

I’m relishing all the potential growth that is going to emerge out of this process.  Also, I am super uncomfortable about the process and about not ‘publishing’ a programme. The comfortable thing for me would be to put out a nicely laid out programme and stay in my comfort zone.  But this is where learning and growth is at its slowest,  almost stagnant. It is still tempting. But I know that it is in the stretch zone where learning and growth happens so I am staying with the discomfort.  It’s an opportunity to learn and grow that I don’t want to pass up! 

If this is making you’re uncomfortable too, know that you’re definitely not alone.  I can’t think of a better place to be uncomfortable in then the safe, supportive community of people then the Learning Reimagined Community.  

This is the structure around which we’d be co-creating the flow of the weekend.  What we have to offer is Akilah, Bayo, Kaolin and Teresa in attendance, 17 Open Sessions, A Documentary Screening and Discussion, “Unschooling In Action” Exhibition, Talent Show, AND anything else that you wish to offer on the day. 

8ishRegistration, Appreciation Envelopes, Orienting to the physical space, Arrival tea
9ishOpening – Education Out of Context – on the Lawns 
Straight afterSetting the Day – Co-creating the program using tools of community co-creation – Facilitated by Akilah
10:30ishMorning Tea
15:00ishAfternoon Tea
18:30ishDinner and Social
9:00ishArrival Tea
9:30ishSetting the Day
17:00ishFormal community Closing
17:30ish#LRC2018 Done and Dusted. The ideas, community and connections live on.
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